The anonymous web discussions on various subjects and interests take place on Reddit. Users may say anything they want on Reddit because of the privacy it provides, which isn’t necessarily a positive thing. The platform has the drawback that if a Reddit user, administrator, or moderator deletes a post or remark, it is permanently deleted. This may result in losing important knowledge, a delicious dish, or an amusing meme. Fortunately, it’s occasionally feasible to recover and read deleted Reddit posts. How? Read this easy-peasy stepwise guide on how to see deleted Reddit posts.

How to See Deleted Reddit Posts?

Reddit is the 9th most popular social networking platform in the United States, with 52 million daily active users. Though the platform does not restrict your views and thoughts, it has some guidelines and rules as well. Using bots or human moderators, posts and comments that violate a subreddit’s rules are removed. Users on Reddit can also remove their own posts and comments. But do those erased posts and comments really disappear forever? What if you want to read a removed Reddit post or comment out of curiosity? With the use of specific websites and plug-ins, which I cover in this article, you may. Let’s explore the different methods of how to see deleted Reddit posts. There are famous four ways or tools — websites — to view deleted Reddit posts and comments: Reveddit, Unddit, Resavr, and Wayback Machine. Hold, I will explain them one by one. Also, read How to Get Reddit Karma | 5 Tips Help You to Get it (2022)

1. Reveddit

Reveddit is the most powerful and trusted tool or feature — whatever you call it — to unveil deleted stuff on Reddit. This website lets you view deleted posts by searching their username, subreddit, domain, or link. Here is how to see deleted Reddit posts using the Reviddit feature. Step 1: Open the Reviddit website. Step 2: Enter a Reddit username, subreddit or post title in the search box on the main page under the About title. Now hit the Go button. You can also hit Random bottom to view the deleted posts from random people and users. Step 3: Revedit will show you any deleted comments and posts that are relevant to your search. You may click to view the removed stuff on full screen or proceed down the search list. Also, read How to Delete Reddit Account on Desktop, iOS & Android

2. Unddit

Reddit posts and comments are automatically stored in the database, which is used by the program called Unddit. When Removeddit and Ceddit ceased functioning, a third-party utility called Unddit was created to take their place. Though it works fantastic for a few, many removed comments won’t be displayed when the database is slow since it doesn’t appear to operate on articles. Let’s explore more and know how to see deleted Reddit posts using the Unddit tool. Follow these steps to run Unddit: Step 1: Visit the official Unddit website. Step 2: You have to bookmark Unditt to use it. Once you launch the site, bookmark it. Step 3: Next, select the saved bookmark and navigate to the Reddit page where you want to retrieve the removed remark. Step 4: If you are lucky and is not overloaded, all removed comments connected to that Reddit post will be visible on Unddit. Also, read What Does OP Mean on Reddit & How to Use it

3. ReSavr

Although ReSavr isn’t as robust as the other tools on our list, it does enable you to examine deleted Reddit comments, even the long ones as well. It helps you view only the deleted comments. But as you know, some comments on Reddit are better than the post itself. And it lets you view those comments as well, which are lengthy and over 650 words. Here is how to use Resavr to view deleted Reddit comments: Step 1: Visit the official ReSavr website. Step 2: Tap on Most Recent Comments. That is it! ReSavr is the most straightforward and time-saving tool to view deleted comments on Reddit. With just two steps, you have the power in your hands. Also, read Unable To Upload Photo On Reddit | 8 Fixes To Solve The Error

4. Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is a reliable resource you may use to examine deleted Reddit comments and posts. It’s a nonprofit website that keeps old screenshots of websites taken at particular moments in time. You may use this to view editions of a specific site from a particular time. Here is how to see deleted Reddit posts using the Wayback Machine website. Step 1: Launch the Wayback Machine webpage. Step 2: Enter the search term after pasting the URL of the Reddit post or subreddit into the search bar. Step 3: Hit Enter or Return on your Windows or Mac, respectively. Step 4: How frequently and when the web page was saved is displayed on the results page. If you uncover removed information, be sure to choose earlier dates. You can select the date — year, month, and day — you wish to view the Reddit post’s archived content. Step 5: It will guide you to the saved version of the post you are looking for. If it is the one. Tap on it and get going. That is all. That’s all about how to see deleted Reddit posts utilizing the all available options on the market. Also, read 6 Effective Ways To Use Reddit to Grow Business

Wrapping Up

I hope now learned how to see deleted Reddit posts. There were more tools in the past like Removeddit, Ceddit, et cetera. There were some web browser extensions as well to view the deleted Reddit stuff. However, they all are gone, and we are left with only the four options I have mentioned above. Let me know if you can access any unknown tool that works better. That is all for the day. Keep surfing Path of EX for more articles and updates.


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