Happen Network calls itself a forward-thinking digital media and social platform. The Bill Gates deleted documentary known as The New Normal, draws audiences’ attention to Event 201. Event 201 is a pandemic simulation event from October 2019 organized by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. There is a conspiracy theory that the documentary suggests. I am coming to that. In this article, I will tell you the key points of the documentary and where is the Bill Gates deleted documentary streaming. The documentary has to be watched in fragments as the whole video is not out anywhere as of yet. If it gets uploaded anywhere, I will definitely update the post.
How to Watch The Bill Gates Deleted Documentary?
As of now, you can only watch the Bill Gated deleted documentary on the Twitter thread by @Xx17965797N. To watch the first video of the series, click here. Although you cannot watch the documentary as a whole, you can watch the whole documentary in 11 videos shared on Twitter. Also, read Where to Watch 2000 Mules & Is It Streaming on Netflix
What is The Bill Gates Deleted Documentary About?
The documentary attacks Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for being aware of the Covid-19 pandemic before the outbreak. It is because the pandemic has similarities with then Event 201 (simulation of a novel zoonotic coronavirus). The Bill Gates deleted documentary also sheds light on the theory that the vaccines didn’t go through animal trials. This suggestion is based on a video of doctors claiming that humans are being used as guinea pigs and that these vaccines will show damaging side effects when exposed to other viruses later. While claiming that the pandemic was preplanned, the documentary also suggests that lockdowns were implemented so that 5G networks could be easily brought to many parts of the world. Also, read Where to Watch What is a Woman For Free | Matt Walsh Documentary in 2022 The New World Order that the Bill Gates deleted documentary suggests is quite disturbing. It links The Great Reset, a plan proposed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) to the speculation that world leaders and elites are working on bringing a New World Order of “harsh tyrannical rules governed by a centralized totalitarian state”. The documentary features videos like footage of Bill Gates declaring his Covid vaccine investment as the best investment he has ever made and notable personalities saying the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has made millions of dollars from companies blamed for the same social and health problems that the foundation addresses. According to footage that the documentary features, the Foundation has investments in 69 worst polluting companies in the US and Canada. The portfolio of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also carries accusations of transgression, including forcing thousands of people to lose their homes. It is said in the documentary that Bill Gates is a top donor at the WHO and CDC and that he has the power to influence and control the health and medical freedom of the people of the world. Also, read How to Watch Died Suddenly Documentary 2022? The Most Talked-About Documentary Today
Is the Bill Gates Deleted Documentary True?
The documentary tries to bring forward a bunch of conspiracy theories that revolve around Bill Gates, Covid-19, and the New World Order. Although it is sitting many thoughts in the minds of its audience, Reuters has reviewed it as Misleading. According to Reuters, there are a lot of previously debunked videos that the documentary uses to suggest that the Covid-19 pandemic was well-planned by the society’s elite. As per the article by Reuters, there is no evidence of this being true. Reuters says the reference to The Great Reset is not reasonable as The Great Reset proposes completely contrasting ideas that what the Documentary claims. Also, read How to Watch The Dimming Documentary in 2022? Exposing Geoengineering
Wrapping Up
I cannot make remarks on the authenticity of the videos being used in the documentary. But Reuters can. You can read the whole fact-check article by Reuters here. Alternatively, you can watch the Bill Gates deleted documentary on the Twitter link that I provided earlier and judge for yourself. I would recommend doing both. I watched the documentary and I liked what I watched. Until next time, Ciao!