Hive Social and Mastodon are the major platforms that house ex-Twitter users. When I compare the two — Hive Social vs. Mastodon — I find the former easier and more attractive. Though Mastodon has seen a larger flow of Twitter users, Hive is better in terms of accessing tools and settings. Hive has a simple, yet great, and attractive user interface. It runs smoothly on iOS. However, it’s latest released app on the Andriod Google Play Store, is not that great. It needs some improvements and I believe it will be improved soon. Hive Social is currently trending #1 and #2 in social networking categories of the iOS App Store and Andriod Google Play respectively. So, before your friends get to know about the app, download it and set up an account. Follow this guide to know how to post on Hive Social and how to apply its settings and more.

How to Post on Hive Social?

Hive Social lets you post texts, images, text with images or vice versa, GIFs polls, and Q&A. Unlike Instagram which lets you post only Images along with image captions. Let’s talk about the post types separately and get the details about how to post on Hive Social.

Text Post on Hive Social

Unlike Instagram and Snapchat, a post on Hive Social can be only text. Text posts let you post your thoughts, ideas, and microblogs without digging into your gallery or photo app and wasting hours searching for a fitting image. Here is how to post a text on Hive Social: Step 1: Launch the Hive Social app on your smartphone. Step 2: Tap the + (Plus) icon in the bottom center. Step 3: Write or paste the text you want to post over “What’s on your mind?” on the main screen. Step 4: Tap the Post button in the top right corner to publish your post. That is so simple, isn’t it? Also, read Is Hive a Safe App? Everything You Need to Know (2022)

Image Post on Hive Social

You can add images to your post on Hive Social. Adding an image — a selfie or any photo that is stored on your phone’s storage — is as easy as anything. You can add multiple images to the post as well. Let’s look over how to add images to post on Hive Social. Step 1: Launch the Hive Social app on your smartphone. Step 2: Tap the + (Plus) icon in the bottom center. Step 3: Tap the Photo icon in the bottom left corner. Step 4: Search for the photo you want to add and select it. To multiple photos, click on the two-square icon in the bottom right corner. Then tap on the images you want to add. Step 5: Tap the Next button in the top right corner. Step 6: On the Edit Photo page, crop your image(s) with the given presets. If you don’t want to crop it skip to the next step. Step 7: Tap the ✓ (check mark) in the top right corner. Step 8: Add a text above it, you can write anything you want to. You can leave it blank as well. Step 9: Once done adding images and text, tap the Post button in the top right corner to publish your post. Note 1: To add an image from the camera, you need to hit the camera icon third from the bottom corner after hitting the image icon in the beginning. Note 2: If you want to add a video to your post, select it from the gallery, or capture it by clicking the camera icon. To view the video files on the gallery, tap on the video camera icon, second from the bottom corner after hitting the image icon in the beginning Also, read Mastodon Lists: Uses, Creation, Rename, Delete, and More (2022)

GIF Post on Hive Social

One of the most unique things on Hive Social is to upload GIFs on the post. You can select from the GIFs, Stickers, and Emojis of the app. You cannot add other GIFs from your smartphone keyboard. You can add only one GIF to a post on Hive Social. It can be posted with or without any text heading. Here is how to add a graphics interchange format file (GIF) to post on Hive Social. Step 1: Launch the Hive Social app on your smartphone. Step 2: Tap the + (Plus) icon in the bottom center. Step 3: Tap the GIF button next to the Image icon in the bottom left corner. Step 4: Search for the GIF in the search GIPHY bar, or select from the 3 tabs — GIFs, Stickers, and Emojis — by scrolling down on each tab. Step 5: To add the GIF, tap on it. Step 6: Add a text above it, you can write anything you want to. You can leave it blank as well. Step 10. Once done with post-editing, tap the Post button in the top right corner to publish your post. Also, read Is Mastodon Down? Try These 7 Best Fixes Right Now (2022)

Poll Post on Hive Social

Polls are helpful in a number of circumstances. Tourists, companies, employees, instructors, and nearly everyone else can benefit from using this application. You can add a poll to your post on Hive Social with a simple click. You can add 2 or 4 Choices for each poll. The validity of a poll can be set from one minute up to a minute short to 31 days (i.e. 30 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes). Let’s run through the basics of using polls on a Post on Hive Social. Step 1: Launch the Hive Social app on your smartphone. Step 2: Tap the + (Plus) icon in the bottom center. Step 3: Tap the Polls icon, the third icon in the bottom left corner. Step 4: Write the question on the top. Step 5: Edit the Choices fields and name them what you want to get votes on. To add 2 more choices, tap on the + (Plus) icon next to Choice 2. Step 6: Next, choose poll length by tapping 1 day. Scroll 0 – 30 under days, 0 – 23 under hours, and 1-59 under minutes. Step 7: Once done with editing and Poll Length, tap the Post button in the top right corner to publish your poll. Your viewers and you will be able to see the final result post the expiry of the Poll Length validity. No one can vote after that. Also, read How to Report on Mastodon on App, Browser & Desktop (2022)

How to Apply Post Settings on a Post on Hive Social?

You can choose people who can comment on your post in the Post Setting menu on Hive Social. It can be changed along with every new post you want to share. In the post settings, you can also add a content warning if your post is meant for adults. Here is how to do this: Also, read Mastodon Poll: How to Use Polls on Mastodon on App, Browser, & Desktop

How to Turn NSFW On on a Post on Hive?

Turn the NSFW option on in the post settings when sharing NSFW mature content. This will stop your material from being viewed by children and stop your account or post from being deleted. While adding mature content — text, image, poll, or GIF — to your post on Hive Social, tap on the ••• icon in the bottom right corner. You will see a Toggle Next to Tag as NSFW, turn that on with a tap. Keep it off when you share content that is suitable for children or underaged groups. Also, read Mastodon Notifications Settings: How to Change & Customize?

How to Keep Comments Off or Limited on a Post on Hive?

If you don’t want people to comment on your post or if you want to restrict some people from commenting, here is how to do: Step 1: When you are about to hit Post on your new statues or image, tap the ••• icon in the bottom right corner. Step 2: Under Who can comment tap on the appropriate radio button to set the comment audience for the post. There are four options under Who can comment. Here is how they work:

  1. Everyone: If you opt for this option, any user can comment on your post, whether they are your followers or not. Only people you have blocked cannot comment here.
  2. People you follow and Your followers: Both the contact lists — Following and Followers — on your profile can comment, if you choose this option. Even the people who don’t follow you back can comment.
  3. People you follow: By selecting this option, your followers cannot comment if you select this option unless you follow them back. And the people who don’t follow you back (but you are following them) can comment.
  4. Only me: No one can comment on your post if you opt for this option. You can comment with links or explanations, however. Also, read How to Follow Someone On Hive: 5 Steps [With Pictures]

How to Edit or Delete a Post on Hive Social?

If you think you have made an error in the post, Hive Social gives you the power to edit it. You can even remove a post if you don’t want it on your profile. Here is how to: Also, read 10 Largest Mastodon Instances: Know Which One Is Right For You

How to Edit a Post on Hive Social?

To edit a post follow these steps: Step 1: Tap on the last icon or your profile picture in the bottom right corner to go to your profile and go to the post you want to edit. Step 2: Tap the Three vertical dots in the top right corner of the post. Step 3: Tap on the Edit Post button. Step 4: Edit the text, and you can also edit the Comment audience by tapping the ••• icon in the bottom right corner. Step 5: Once done with editing, tap the Update button in the top right corner to update your post. Also, read How to Create an Account in Hive With Just Few Simple Steps

How to Delete a Post on Hive Social?

Here is how to delete an unwanted post. Don’t use this option unless you really want to. As you hit Delete, it won’t ask you for confirmation. Hence, use this carefully. Step 1: Tap on the last icon or your profile picture in the bottom right corner to go to your profile and go to the post you want to delete. Step 2: Tap the Three vertical dots in the top right corner of the post. Step 3: Tap on the Delete Post button. Done. Also, read Mastodon Safety: Protect Yourself NOW with these 6 Tips

Wrapping Up

To post on Hive Social is fun, and it is love when you are followed by an engaging audience, friends, and family. I hope this guide has helped you learn how to post on Hive Social and how to play with them. If it is so, share this article with your new Hive Social friends and all those whom you want there.


How to Post on Hive Social  Here s the Step by step Guide  - 65How to Post on Hive Social  Here s the Step by step Guide  - 78How to Post on Hive Social  Here s the Step by step Guide  - 96How to Post on Hive Social  Here s the Step by step Guide  - 61How to Post on Hive Social  Here s the Step by step Guide  - 55