Doxxing is defined as virtual research on any user you meet on a social networking site. The process helps you identify spammers, hackers, and unethical individuals on any platform. Prevention is better than cure. To keep your account safe, you can find your contacts on TikTok and just add them. However, if you want to follow other people too, then doxxing is a great way to make sure that the account is legit. So, without further ado, let’s dig in to learn, how to dox someone on TikTok. After doxxing you may find many unethical accounts that you have been following. Don’t worry; you can simply unfollow them all on TikTok.
How to Dox Someone on TikTok?
Doxxing rose to popularity in the 1990s hacker culture. The process entails disclosing personal information such as your phone number, address, or social media accounts to a hostile digital audience. In order to determine the legitimacy of any user on TikTok and be able to recognize fake persons immediately. You will need to follow the below-given strategies.
Method 1: Dox Someone on TikTok By Locating Their Accounts on Every Site
One of the easiest ways to dox someone on TikTok is by searching for their personal data on other social media platforms. The correct display of personal information and pictures proves the legitimacy. You can also directly target a person’s TikTok profile. Also, read How To Let People Save Your TikToks In 5 Steps (Updated 2022)
Method 2: Dox Someone on TikTok By Name Targeting
Name targeting on websites like PeekYou, ZabaSearch, and PeopleFinders can help you find the user. The website compiles data delivered by you in the detailed information ground. Information such as mobile numbers can be extracted from the database.
Method 3: Dox Someone on TikTok By Email Targeting
If you are certain that your email doesn’t contain your real name and are using the same email for signing in the Facebook. It is to be noted that you are no longer anonymous. Doxers can easily look you up by using this link. Your record with your pictures can be easily shown. Also, read How to Add Pictures on TikTok Video Without Slideshow With 3 Methods
How to Dox Someone on TikTok
Also, read How to Block a Sound on TikTok: Here are the Easiest Ways
Wrapping Up
TikTok is known for its ever-changing trends and challenges. Doxxing is defined as a virtual research on any user you met on a social networking site. To know, How to Dox Someone on TikTok, read the entire article and share it with your friends. For more trending stuff, keep visiting Path of EX.